• Fresh cooling water
• Lubricating oil
• Gas oil
• Diesel oil
• Ballast
• Bilge
• Fire extinguishers
• Technical water (demineralised)
• Sprinklers
• Black water (faeces)
• Grey / waste water
• Cold water
• Heating
• Operating water separators
• Lubricating oil separators
• Diesel oil separators
• Heavy oil separators
• Swimming pools
• Leakage / dirty oil (pressureless drainage)
• Compressed air

Air Release Valves (Inc air vents)
Ball Float Valves
Ball Valves
Bursting Discs
Butterfly Valves
Diaphragm Valves
Double Regulating Valves
Flame Arrestors
Gate Valves
Globe Valves
Knife Gate Valves
Needle Valves
Non Return Valves
Parallel Slide Valves
Pinch Valves
Plastic Valves & Pipe / Effast
Plug Valves
Pressure Reducing Valves
Pressure & vacuum relief valves
Pressure Relief Valves
Sight Glasses
Solenoid Valves
Fire Fighting Valves
Hygienic Valves
Tanker Valves
Cooling water systems
Engine cooling water systems comprise a closed cycle in which a volume flow of water conveys heat from the generator (engine) to the consumer (cooler, heater) with the aid of circulating pumps. ARI STEVI control valves maintain the correct balance in this cycle by controlling the volume flow.
The water temperature is typically 50 to 110°C. The fluid is conditioned cooling water. The pressure is approximately 6 bar while the nominal pressure is usually PN 10/16.
Ballast water systems
Ships need ballast water to improve their stability and balance their load; this water is carried in tanks, the double bottom, the fore, aft peak tanks, and side spaces.
Exhaust gas and auxiliary boilers
Exhaust gas and auxiliary boilers are used to generate thermal oil or steam – for example, for heating or cleaning tanks, preheating HFO, producing drinking water or heating water and living areas. Today, steam turbo-generators are also used to generate electricity for very large engines.
Steam or thermal oil is required on seagoing vessels to heat the heavy fuel oil to a temperature of 130 to 140°C. The heated exhaust gas from the engines (exhaust gas boiler) acts as a source of energy for generating this steam or thermal oil. Other auxiliary boilers are fired with oil or gas.
A large number of valves are necessary to operate the boiler:
• Safety valves – for protection against excessive pressure
• Pressure regulating valves – for maintaining a constant pressure
• Pressure reducing valves – for reducing pressure
• Temperature control valves – for controlling temperatures
• Steam traps – for separating condensate from steam
• Feed water control valves – for controlling levels
Stop valves, drain valves, dump valves, check valves, strainers and sight glasses are also suitable for these applications.
HVAC systems
HVAC systems serve to condition the air in living areas and provisions rooms. Among other things, HVAC systems consist of a closed water cycle in which a volume flow of water conveys heat or cold from the generator (heat exchanger, boiler, chiller) to the consumer (cooler, heater) with the aid of circulating pumps. Control valves maintain the correct balance in this cycle by controlling the volume flow. Water temperatures of 6 to 80°C, conditioned water and a maximum pressure of approximately 6 bar are typical operating conditions here along with nominal pressures of PN 6/10/16. The valves are made from cast iron or red brass while stainless steel is used for the internals.

Abacus, ABB, ABCO, ACS, Actol, Adanac, Adareg, Advanced Component Technology, Advanced Valve, AGI, Airpel, Aker, Alco, Alcon, Alexander Controls, Aloyco, Amal, Amal, Amri, Anderson Greenwood, APL, Apollo, Aqua Gas, ARI Armaturen, Armstrong, Asco Joucomatic, Ashcroft, Ashford Controls, Atlantic, Attwood & Morrill, Audco, Auld, Auma, Automax, Avid Controls, AVK, AWH Badotherm, Bailey, Barton, Batley, Baumann, BEL, Bernard, Bestobell, Bettis, Biffi, Bifold, Birkett, BIS, Biwater, Blackhall, Blakeborough, Boa, Bonney Forge, Boss, Bossmatic, Bradford, Bray, Broady, Brooksbank, Brownall, Burbach, Buschjost, Bürkert, CAI, Caldon, Cameron, Captight, Cash Acme, Centerline, Charles Winn, Checktite, Chemat, Circa, CMO, Colson, Conbraco, Concentric, Consolidated, Constaflo, CON-TEK, Crane, Crane Stockham, Crosby, CRP, Dantorque, Davis, Dayco, Delta, Demco, Depa, Descote, Dewrance, Dezuric, Diamond, Douglas Chero, DPL, Dresser, Duo-chek, Durco, Dynafluid, Dynatorque, Ebro, Ebtrade, Eckardt, Econosto, Elmac, Elomatic, Elra, Elro, Emerson, Esme, Eurocheck, Exeeco, Fairy Arlon, Farris, Fasani, FCT, Fisher, Fivalco, FloCheck, Flowguard, Flowseal, Flowserve, Flow-tek, Fluval, FMC, FORAC, Fort Vale, Foxboro, Gemu, Gestra, Gilflo, Girdlestone, Glynwed, Goodwin, Gresswell, Grove, Guest and Chrimes, Gulde, Hancock, Hattersley, Heap & Partners, Helden, Herion, HH, Hi-Flow, Hindle, Hindle Cockburns, Hobbs, Holmes, Honeywell, Hopkinsons, HS Pipequipment, Hytork, IMI Marston, Induchem, Ingersoll, Intervalve, Introl, Invensys, Iprism, IPSCO, Isis, Isoria, IVL, Jamesbury, Jaymac, JC, John Mills, Johnson Valves, Jordan Controls, Kenmac, Kent, Kent introl, Keystone, Kinetrol, Kings Control, Kitz, Klein, Klinger, Kortings, Koso, KSV, KTM, Landon Kingsway, Leeds Valve, Leengate, Legri, Leibfried, Leser, LG Valves, Linatex Ltd, LVF, MAC, Maga Controls, Magnatrol, Maher, Mars, Marston, Martonair, Marvac, Masoneilan, Mastergear, Maxseal, Mead, Metso, Midland, Miller Dennis, Morin, Nabic, Narvik, Navco, Neles, Neotecha, Neway, Norbro, Norgren, Nori, Northvale Korting, Norval, Noz-chek, Nuflo, Ogden, Oliver Valves, Omal, OMB, Omnitron, Opperman, Orbinox, Orbit, Orseal, Orton, Pacific, Pakscan, Paladon, Palmstierans, Parker, Pegler, Pekos, Pepperl and Fuchs, Peter Paul, Peter Smith, Petreco, Plenty, PMV, Pneucon, Posi-Seal, Pro-Gear, Pro-Kits, Proquip, Quifer, Red Hat, Reiss, Remote Control, Revo, Rhodes, Ringo, Roban, Rotolok, Rotork, Saint Gobain, Sapag, Sarasin, Saturn, Saunders, Score, Seetru, Sempell, Serck Audco, Severn, Shafer, Shaw, Shipham, Sicca, Siemens, Sifam, Simtrol Sipos, Sirai, SIT, Solent & Pratt, Sperryn, Spiraflo, Spiratec, Spirax Sarco, SRI, Staffa, Standfast, Stockham, Taylor, Taylor Shaw, Texsteam, Thompson, TK, Tom Wheatley, Tomoe, Trelleborg, Triangle, Truflo, TT Valves, Tyco, UCC, Uni-Chek, Valpes, Valtac, Valtec, Valtek, Valvecare, ValvTechnologies, Valvtron, Vanessa, Varec, Velan, Vigilant, Viking Johnson, Voss, Wade, Warren Morrison, Wask, Weir, Wemco, Westlock, Wheatley, Whessoe, Winn, WKM, Worcester, Worcester, Wouter Witzel, Xomox, Yarway, Young and Cunningham, Zimmerman, Zwicky.